OwnershipThe ownership of learning the course material is now placed on the student because the DoK Level 1 and 2 content is now placed online.
Self-PacedStudents are able to set the pace for learning the content. With the lessons placed online, students can move head or go back to lessons at anytime.
AnytimeMobile device provide the opportunity for students access lesson content almost anytime.
Likely helpful links to start your flipped classroom.
Lesson Videos:
How I Flipped My First Class
len & Seaman (2017). Digital Learning Compas, Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017. Retrieved on June 30, 2018 from https://onlinelearningsurvey.com/reports/digtiallearningcompassenrollment2017.pdf
A self-regulated flipped classroom approach to improving students’ learning performance in a mathematics course. Computers & Education 100 (2016) 126e140 By Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang
A qualitative investigation of student engagement in a flipped classroom. Teaching in Higher EducationBy Anna Therese Steen-Utheim & Njål Foldnes
Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom: Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects
Hidden Expectations Behind the Promise of the Flipped Classroom. College Teaching. By Alison Sammel, Geraldine Townend & Harry Kanasa
Implementing the flipped classroom: an exploration of study behaviour and student performance. Published online: 27 December 2016. The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com By Anja J. Boevé, Rob R. Meijer, Roel J. Bosker, Jorien Vugteveen, Rink Hoekstra, & Casper J. Albers
Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences: A Self-Determination Theory approach. Computers in Human Behavior 78 (2018). By Stylianos Sergis, Demetrios G. Sampson , Lina Pelliccione
Online Course Enrollment in Community College and Degree Completion: The Tipping Point. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Volume 19, Number 2. By Peter Shea and Temi Bidjerano
Proposing an Expanded Measure for Comparing Online/Hybrid to Face-to-face Courses. Journal of Education and Development; Vol. 2, No. 2; August, 2018 by Gary Blau, Sherry Jarrell, Anthony Seeton, Tim Young, Kelly Grace & Michael Hughes
Song, Y., & Kapur, M. (2017). How to Flip the Classroom – “Productive Failure or Traditional Flipped Classroom” Pedagogical Design? Educational Technology & Society, 20 (1), 292–305.
Technology-enhanced mathematics instruction: A second order meta-analysis of 30 years of research. Educational Research Review 22 (2017) 19e33 By Jamaal Young
A self-regulated flipped classroom approach to improving students’ learning performance in a mathematics course. Computers & Education 100 (2016) 126e140 By Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang
A qualitative investigation of student engagement in a flipped classroom. Teaching in Higher EducationBy Anna Therese Steen-Utheim & Njål Foldnes
Applying “First Principles of Instruction” as a design theory of the flipped classroom: Findings from a collective study of four secondary school subjects
Hidden Expectations Behind the Promise of the Flipped Classroom. College Teaching. By Alison Sammel, Geraldine Townend & Harry Kanasa
Implementing the flipped classroom: an exploration of study behaviour and student performance. Published online: 27 December 2016. The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com By Anja J. Boevé, Rob R. Meijer, Roel J. Bosker, Jorien Vugteveen, Rink Hoekstra, & Casper J. Albers
Investigating the impact of Flipped Classroom on students' learning experiences: A Self-Determination Theory approach. Computers in Human Behavior 78 (2018). By Stylianos Sergis, Demetrios G. Sampson , Lina Pelliccione
Online Course Enrollment in Community College and Degree Completion: The Tipping Point. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning Volume 19, Number 2. By Peter Shea and Temi Bidjerano
Proposing an Expanded Measure for Comparing Online/Hybrid to Face-to-face Courses. Journal of Education and Development; Vol. 2, No. 2; August, 2018 by Gary Blau, Sherry Jarrell, Anthony Seeton, Tim Young, Kelly Grace & Michael Hughes
Song, Y., & Kapur, M. (2017). How to Flip the Classroom – “Productive Failure or Traditional Flipped Classroom” Pedagogical Design? Educational Technology & Society, 20 (1), 292–305.
Technology-enhanced mathematics instruction: A second order meta-analysis of 30 years of research. Educational Research Review 22 (2017) 19e33 By Jamaal Young
Some Flipped Classroom Examples
Math Flipped Classroom http://www.flippedmath.com/